A review by gizmobaggins13
Guardians of Dawn - Zhara by S. Jae-Jones


Zhara lives in a world where magic is banned and she has to hide her growing powers. She looks to find a hidden organisation who can give her the answers she seeks, as well as help to protect the other magicians around from becoming abominations.

This book is a mish mash of ya fantasy, asian culture and anime inspired tropes and im all for it. The world building is rich and vibrant - my only complaint is i wanted more of the history of the world to understand it better. I see where the sailor moon inspiration comes from and it was mixed really well into the story witbout feeling like a rip off.

The characters are sweet and interact in a meet cute kind of way which works well within the plot. The romance is a slow burn and I hope it is continued into the next book.

The monsters at times were terrifying, it felt like i was reading a horror story with the detailed body transformations so trigger warnings right there if you are squeamish. However this just made the plot amp up and the threat feel even more real which kept me on my toes.

I enjoyed the pace and will continue this series as it gets released!

Thanks to net galley for the arc!