A review by ablotial
Brief Histories of Everyday Objects by Andy Warner


This was fascinating, hilarious, and at times thought provoking. Highly recommended!

I read it in a single day back in June, immediately recommended it to a bunch of people, and avoided writing the review because I needed to update the page numbers on the book page to make my brain happy but I'd loaned out the book and couldn't remember how many pages it has. Now that this has been remedied, I can move on with my life (haha!)

I picked up this book expecting it to be a mostly brainless, funny, quick, read that I could maybe learn some random trivia from. I was right on all counts except the first. This book was surprisingly thought provoking and had some dark humor. It brought out many cases where credit may have been incorrectly or unfairly assigned, and cases of women and people of color being marginalized, and cases of things happening in the past that would definitely be frowned upon by today's standards (and some people probably knew better at the time, also).

If you like random trivia, grab a copy of this for sure!