A review by usbsticky
Department Zero by Paul Crilley


This book was OK but I didn't really like it. The front part of the book was very good. I found the writing easy to read and get into. But it took too long to get into the meat of the book. I found everything long and drawn out. A lot of filler could have been cut out. However, the book is already short at 305 pages so it would have been more 1-200 pages if it had been converted into a fast paced book.

Another problem is the humor. A good humorous book is very hard to write. Most of the time, it falls flat and it looks like a book that tries to be funny. This book didn't need the humor attempt. It could have done well enough with it.

So overall, long and drawn out, humor fell flat. I got this book free as a review copy.

Edit: OK, I just read the other reviews that found this book humorous. Let me provide an example of this humor:

"You think I'm going to live my life in a bunker surrounded by weirdoes [sic] and losers?"
"Nice way to talk about your co-workers."
"You haven't seen them yet....... You know the ones. They piss off the wrong people. Don't know when to shut up."
"Kinda like yourself then."
"No, idiot....."

The above passes off as humor or light hearted banter. You be the judge.