A review by lauraanne9
Betrayed by Lies by Rebecca Shea


***ARC Provided by the Author and InkSlingerPR***

I really enjoyed all 3 books in this series, but there was something about this one that I was really drawn to, something about it that I found very compelling.

Is it necessary to know Sam's past to be able to follow his relationship with Kate? Technically, no. This book is really a standalone with references to past events and recurring characters.


That said, you really, really, need to read the first 2 before you read this one. For a couple of reasons..1. It makes Sam's story so much deeper and more meaningful. 2. You are going to want to read the first 2 in the series once you are done. And, this one has all sorts of spoilers to the really big, major events that happen in those books. So, do yourself the favor and read the others first.

Now, on to this one. As it tells you in the blurb, it has been 18 months since the events of the first 2 books and Sam is moving on, literally and figuratively. For me, at least, I was concerned about how I was going to relate to Sam. I should have known that Rebecca Shea would handle this with full knowledge that her readers were going to need a reason to get over Sam of the first 2 books, and this was handled perfectly.

The book is compelling, the characters and the story are interesting. They definitely hold your attention. Sam as the hero is interesting, and getting to know him a little better was fun.

If this book was as much fun to write as it was to read, then Ms. Shea had a wonderful time writing it. I enjoyed reading it.

I recommend this book.