A review by arcoirisdesign
The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality by Amanda Montell

funny informative lighthearted reflective medium-paced


Book Summary
A book about the ways we think in modern times and how these ways of thinking are caused.

Book Review
I listened to the audiobook and really liked it. She has a conversational way with how she approaches narrating which makes it enjoyable. I also like how she takes complex topics and makes them easy for others to understand.

How I Discovered It
Sounds Like a Cult Podcast

Who Should Read It
Honestly everyone.

Thoughts & Impressions
I need to read it again to digest the book further.

What I Liked About It
The audiobook was great! She did a great job recording it.

What I Didn’t Like About It

How the Book Changed Me
It gave language to some of the ways I think about life these days, especially in the context of social media. It gave language to stuff I’ve been experiencing and noticing in our culture.