A review by mscarle
London Overground: A Day's Walk Around the Ginger Line by Iain Sinclair


Functionally DNF, as I skimmed aggressively from about halfway. Probably a harsh 1*, but let's be honest - I skimmed aggressively from halfway, how good could I have found it?

I've tried Sinclair before and something never quite clicked for me, but I jumped at the chance to give this a shot. I'm a huge fan of travelogues, especially walking ones. I'm an unrepentant Anglophile and a bit of a trainspotter. Rather than being the book where it finally clicked for me with Sinclair, it was instead the confirmation he's just not for me. Relatively short but dragged for ages. Aggressively, almost knowingly dull. Crammed with references and allusions that seemingly only exist for their own sake. Even with my scorched-earth skimming of the back half, it felt like it would never end. No thanks, just no thanks.