A review by subparcupcake
Rainwater by Sandra Brown


I won this in a GR giveaway, otherwise I probably would have never picked it up... But I'm really glad I did! It's a very quick and enjoyable read, but heartbreaking at the same time. I'm not a big crier, but I felt my eyes tearing up several times during my reading. It takes a lot to make my cry, so I was definitely surprised to feel so close to it!

I finished this book in one day, which says something, because I'm not necessarily a fast reader. Maybe it was just that this was completely different than what I normally read. Maybe it was just that good. I really can't say what it was, but I enjoyed it enough to plow through it. Who cares what the reason was, in the end I just plain liked it, and that's all that really matters.

It will definitely pull at your heart strings, so have the Kleenex handy. Overall I'm giving it 3.5 stars, almost 4 so rounded up. I'll definitely try more of Sandra Brown's work in the future.