A review by sandygx260
Loyalty by Ingrid Thoft


Diet soda with syrup-coated pancakes. Diet soda with shrimp tempura. Diet soda with Mallomars. Diet soda with candy bars. Diet soda with a side of diet soda... OK, I made up that last one.

Once I finished this book, all I could think I wished I had this in a Word doc so I could count all the diet soda references. That’s not what I should remember about this book. It’s like when I finished the last Stieg Larsson book, "The Girl Who Kicked the Cashbox", where I mostly remembered people eating sandwiches and drinking coffee. If PI Fina Ludlow, child of wealth and power, had been hooked on something like diet Mountain Dew, it would be a great joke. No, instead we just have generic “diet soda” references by the barrelful.

With this book, we’re promised a tough female PI. Fina Ludlow curses a lot, likes to screw two different yet hot men, eats junk food yet never gains weight, and bitches about her family. She bitches about her family as many times as she drinks diet soda—oh yes, that much— yet she still works for the family law firm. Say what? Tough girl Fina is still behold to her family for her job, although author Throft makes sure she throws in that Fina runs her own business, yes indeed, although most of Fina’s cases come from the family law firm. I suppose Fina is tough since she seems to adore getting the crap beaten out of here yet refuses to go to a hospital until she’s ready to pass out. That’s not tough, it’s stupid.

Let’s see what clichés we can spot in this story, okay? Bitchy mother and overbearing, dismissive father. Check. Loyal, hotter than hot fuckbuddy who seems willing to drop everything for Fina. Check. Hunky cop fuckbuddy willing to leak news to Fina. Check. Troubled spoiled teen. Check. Loyal older mentor who taught Fina everything she knows and his motherly, understanding wife, more of a mother to Fina than the bitch. Check. Wimpy brothers who work for the family law firm because they’re too spineless to strike out on their own. Check.

Do I need to go on? In the long run, aside from a few good one-liners, Fina is highly irritating. Her family is so despicable I ended up not caring about the main murder mystery. I actually hoped someone would toss a wasp nest into the next family outing. That might be exciting.

I only finished this book because I wanted to see if what I suspected was true and ta-da, it was true.

Never fear, I suspect feisty, fucked-up Fina will have her series where she’s beat up on a regular basis, fucks her fuckbuddies and eats waffles with whipped cream washed downed with, you guessed it, diet soda. Yawn. Let me know when someone tosses the wasp nest.