A review by tiffanywang29
Fuse by Julianna Baggott


Sadly, I can't say I liked this one as much as the first (please don't be like The Hunger Games because if the last book sucks I'll be really sad). That being said, it was still really good and kept me reading the majority of the book in less than two days, but that's not the point. Something about the plot just wasn't as interesting as the first. I felt like last book, I was constantly rooting for Bradwell and Pressia to get together and then this book made that little relationship seem anti-climatic even though so many climatic things happen between them. We do find out more secrets and are one step closer to overthrowing the Dome (I must say, even though I don't care for Partridge that much, his part of the story was more exciting and ended in a nice cliffhanger). The ending was sweet, but still somewhat disappointing in a way I can't really pinpoint. I wanted something to blow up (literally or figuratively, your choice) and that ending seemed like the end of a section of the book-something that leads into something bigger on the next page. Regardless, I am 100% sure that I will read the last book, though I wish it already came out. I did run into some struggles of forgetting what happened in the 1st book, since some of the details were blurry. When I read, I like connecting the puzzle along with the characters, but it's harder when I don't have the pieces on the edges to set a foundation. Anyways, that isn't Baggott's fault (though if she wrote faster I guess I wouldn't have had to wait so long-haha jk this book has been out for so long now). What is (somewhat) her fault is the minor typos. There was one that really stood out. Even though it didn't confuse the meaning of what was going on, it was an obvious typo that someone probably should have caught.
Side note: I found it amusing near the beginning of the book when El Capitan was trying to be "nicer" and apologized for making a sarcastic comment because it was "too mean." Does that make me a super mean person?