A review by amyjoy
Religion: A Discovery in Comics by Margreet De Heer


(I'm changing this to an unequivocal 3 stars because I realized that this is a great resource for people just beginning to explore religion, and it would have been a great tool for me before I got a degree in Religious Studies.)

This is ... not what I was expecting. de Heer gives readers a very brief introduction to the history of the Big 5 world religions, and while there was some stuff I learned, in general, I think this is more for people who are not familiar at all with religion. As someone who already has a basic understanding of the religions she covered, it was mostly just rehashing what I already know. Also, she just kind of went over the boring parts of religion. I mean, I don't know how could have done it differently, but it just wasn't very interesting to me (as a Religious Studies major).

I think I might have liked this more if it were more a narrative about her personal experiences with religion because I found those parts really interesting.