A review by reneetc
A Conflicted Woman by T.B. Markinson


Overall, this story was a decent, soap opera-ish read. Lizzie hasn't changed much from [b:A Family Woman|34745292|A Family Woman (A Woman Lost, #3)|T.B. Markinson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1513277415l/34745292._SY75_.jpg|55935993]. She still faces a totem pole of family complications while dodging a quicksand of ugly truths. It is obvious, however, that she genuinely loves her wife and their twinkies. She also looks up to Helen, who has been, in my opinion, Lizzie's only non-judgemental beacon of support. The one character that is beginning to irk me is Sarah. Compared to the previous books in this series, Sarah’s actions and reactions towards Lizzie in this story were not as supportive and...I don't know, can’t quite explain it. Childish, controlling, and shallow are the only words that spring to mind. On a different note, some of Lizzie’s conversations with and about her brother leave me to believe that there's trouble a-brewin' in the Peter-Tie household. We shall see!