A review by c8kodo
The Fire of Joy: Roughly 80 Poems to Get by Heart and Say Aloud by Clive James

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
Having been a great fan of Clive James’s writing since the 1970s, I was hoping he would unlock the Parnassus mysteries for me. But alack alas ’twas not to be and I felt I was merely an ignorant bumpkin sitting in the shadows of the Oxbridge club while the (t)wits bantered and cajoled - “Ah! Very witty Clive!” - about the arcane world of poetry in language too abstruse for me. 
And every mention of the other half of humanity, too few voices represented here, is merely to bear witness to the talent of the first or the beauty of the other. Clive is not complimentary of any of their voices here.