A review by starness
Nulle part sur la terre by Michael Farris Smith


From the first sentence I was intrigued and wanted to keep reading, if I wasn’t occupied with other life stuff I would have happily read this in one sitting. The pacing of the story was perfect in keeping your attention, not one word is wasted and the characters felt to me so incredibly believable. There’s so much tension while your reading, really feeling for the two main character’s distress and the terrible situation they each encounter. Nothing is simple for these characters and each find themselves with ethical dilemmas while attempting to do the “right thing”. Not an easy task when your past keeps hunting you down and veering you off course.

Russell really becomes the ultimate anti-hero. I don’t condone the drinking and driving aspects of his character but underneath the gruff he has a heart of gold. I love how the book played out drawing together two broken souls and connecting them in a way that felt so natural and purposeful.