A review by marie123
Running with the Pack by Carrie Vaughn, Laura Anne Gilman, C. E. Murphy


When I pick up an anthology, it's usually for one particular author. There are a few I recognized in this one, but I was most interested in Maria V. Snyder. I wasn't disappointed.

It was by far my favorite story from the lot, and I really enjoyed her character, Mongrel. I would love to read more about this particular character, because she was just so interesting. The story line, once you get past the characters, is pretty standard. Girl meets mysterious guy(or in this case, dog) who pulls her into a scary situation.
Anyway, definitely worth a look.

Besides that, I also enjoyed the story by Stephanie Burgis quite well, even though I've never read her writing before. Not my typical type of story, but I wanted to know everything that was going to happen after the story ended.

The other story in this book I'll mention was Werelove by Laura Anne Gilman. It wasn't what I expected, and I liked it alright. It was an interesting way to approach the werewolf side of things, even if it left me feeling a bit mopey and sad.

Overall, I don't regret picking the book up at the library, but I'm glad I didn't go out and buy it. Not much re-read value, but certainly worth a first look. There were a few other stories in the group that I enjoyed to an extent, besides the ones I mentioned up above, so flip through the book and take a look.