A review by maplessence
Chappy by Patricia Grace


3.5 stars.

...Like my grandmother I can enjoy an conundrum for it's own sake. Not everything in the world has to be understood.

& on that basis I can certainly enjoy this book by one of New Zealand's most eminent writers. The prose is beautiful & I could quite happily read & let the prose wash over me.

But the multiple first person POV really confused me & I had to keep backtracking to make sure I was following was the one I thought I was following.

& in spite of the above quote (near the end of the book) was told not shown quite a bit of what motivated the enigmatic Chappy.

Minor quibble that I hope is fixed for overseas readers - no translation or explanations of the few words of Maori. .How hard would a footnote mihimihi to greet, pay tribute, thank be?

& this is rare for me. I didn't like the cover before I started the book, but it totally suits the book & I love it now.