A review by pause_theframe
Love in the Friend Zone by Molly E. Lee


This was a wonderful little read. It reminds me of all the rom-coms you watch growing up. There are the cliques, the problems and life being lived with blinders on, because nothing matters more in the world than uni and your crush. That time in your life when you feel like the smallest moments in life can make or break life and become the end of your world as you know it, and then the bigger picture comes about and everything seems to fall into place.

The author wrote us a brilliantly funny and cute read, that actually spans over a rather short time, but fits perfectly in how life seems to go when you are young. That moment is absolutely everything. The author definitely captured this sentiment and really ran with it. She then gave us that beautiful lesson that can only be learned by living through all these moments.

Overall, I think this is easily one of those books that all ages can enjoy and YA readers will definitely connect with, and find really fun. I think the author’s writing style is perfect for the age group the booked is aimed at, and really brings out the emotions of life.

**I received an arc a chose to provide my honest review.