A review by ssshira
Claudia and the Clue in the Photograph by Ann M. Martin, Hodges Soileau


this is my first time reading this book!

in yet another dumb mystery by dumb mystery aficionado/ghostwriter [a:Ellen Miles|286072|Ellen Miles|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png], claud is taking a photography summer school class and is somewhat obsessed. the bsc and bsc kids decide to make a present for dawn, a book inspired by [b:A Day in the Life of America|1736703|A Day in the Life of America|Rick Smolan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1200640527s/1736703.jpg|1734253], in which a group of people photograph things/happenings all around stoneybrook on a single day and compile the best ones. when claud hears about a bank robbery that happened on the same day that she was photographing that bank, she tries to find evidence in her photos.

-claud's photography teacher is named mr. geist. I'm just picturing this:

-a classic case of teaching the reader the basics of photography, developing, darkrooms, etc. claudia is so excited about it that she makes it interesting.
-the barretts have gotten a veritable menagerie of nonallergic pets in the wake of having to get rid of pow (see [b:Claudia and the Perfect Boy|1383130|Claudia and the Perfect Boy (The Baby-Sitters Club, #71)|Ann M. Martin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1387703624s/1383130.jpg|511517]), which is very cute

-janine ruins claudia's prints by going into the bathroom that's being used as a darkroom. this immediately after claudia says she is going to the darkroom. janine may be a total doogie howser, but she's an idiot.
-there are references to the barretts and dewitts that indicate that cynthia and franklin haven't gotten engaged yet. this means that in spite of the fact that this came out the same month as [b:Dawn and Whitney, Friends Forever|558334|Dawn and Whitney, Friends Forever (The Baby-Sitters Club, #77)|Ann M. Martin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1447461136s/558334.jpg|545511], this one MUST take place first. oops, read 'em out of order!
-how convenient that claud happened to find the facade of the bank so fascinating that she took many photos of it on the exact day that the robbery occurred!
-finally claud discovers that one of the bank managers is carrying a pocketwatch in the photos, and she sees that the time on it never changes so she realizes it's a fake. how did she accomplish this feat? thanks to the magical phenomenon of ZOOM AND ENHANCE! no joke. ellen, how in all your photography research for this book did you not discover that zoom and enhance is not grounded in reality?

claudia outfits:
-"Staring back at me was a medium-height Japanese-American girl with almond-shaped eyes and long, black hair held back by a pink, star-shaped barrette. She wore a silky pink tank top with a man's white shirt tied casually over it, white jeans, and flip-flops decorated with more pink stars."
-"I dressed quickly, in jeans and my Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt."
-"That day I'd worn one of my favorite outfits to school: a lacy white shirt with big ruffled sleeves over a deep green leotard, with a short blue-jeans skirt and my favorite shoes (at least my favorite shoes that summer): big black chunky boots."
-"Since I knew I was going to be in the darkroom, I threw off all my good clothes and pulled on an old pair of shorts and my ancient green Sea City T-shirt."

snacks in claudia's room:
-milky way beneath the pillow on her bed
-fritos (n.s.)
-three musketeers (n.s.)
-hershey's kisses in a box of pastels
-mallomars (n.s.)
-popcorn (n.s.)