A review by mehsi
The Mountains Sing by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai


What a gorgeous, stunning, heartbreaking, beautiful book this was. It tells us about a family in Vietnam. We see various times pass by. Before the war, during all sorts of wars, famine, scary situations, and much more. We read about the lives of the family members. We see things through the eyes of the grandmother and her granddaughter. It was a slow start at first, but then I really got into it and flew through the book. It was just so interesting and I wanted to know everything about this family and was also hoping that all of Hương's family would come back. Her mother and her father especially. I loved seeing Hương grow up. From a young girl to a woman and love how she made her own path. How she found something to do and love. Plus, I just love a character who loves to read and tries to get her hands on books even when things are dire.
The ending was a sad one but also a happy one. I won't spoil anything, but I really loved that ending.
I probably could talk more, but I would just that I recommend this one to everyone. What a read!