A review by readingonmountains
The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry


I took my time reading this one and loved it from the very first page. Hazel and her little sister Flora are evacuated from London during the blitz to Oxfordshire. Hazel comforts her young sister by telling her stories of their own make-believe world, Whisperwood. One day Flora disappears and is thought to have drowned in the river Thames.

Flash-forward twenty years and Hazel is working in a bookshop specializing in rare books and first editions. A book comes into the shop and Hazel discovers it is about their Whisperwood! Reeling from the impossibility Hazel tries to contact the author and find out how she could possibly know the intricacies of her private make believe world only Flora knew about.

I absolutely loved getting lost in this story, wrapped up in the mystery of what happened to Flora Lea. Patti's writing is gorgeous.

Thank you NetGalley & Simon & Schuster for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.