A review by grilledcheesesamurai
A Different Alchemy by Chris Dietzel


Bleak. Sparse.

Two words that sum this novel up very well. They aren't nice words and they aren't flattering, however, I don't use them in negativity towards this particular read - all said and done this story that the author, Chris Dietzel, has shared with us is exactly what I was in the mood for.

The tone was perfect, the message simple, but so often ignored:

Don't sweat the bullshit.

At least that's what I took away from it all.

Life is harsh, unpredictable, and more often than not, completely unfair. If you don't make the best of it, if you don't appreciate the small beats of the everyday norm, then what, really, is the point?

I've also learned that if I ever find myself facing the end of the world, a tank could really come in handy.

All in all a very unique look at the unwinding of life.