A review by wren_in_black
Monster Club: Hunters for Hire by Gavin Brown


This was cute.

My first thoughts of the book were that it was probably the most ADD book to have ever ADDed. The random descriptions of objects and the constant interrupting of slogans for Brotien items, along with the constant shift in narrator were hugely distracting for me.

But, it got better as I got used to those things. I began to see them more as quirks than distractions. I can definitely see how the target audience would simply be amused and not annoyed by these quirks.

My only true problem with this book is that it steals a major plot event from [b:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows|136251|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)|J.K. Rowling|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1474171184l/136251._SY75_.jpg|2963218].
Spoiler Three kids (two male and one female) have to face a dragon in a deep, dark cave. They wind up saving the dragon and then fly out of the inescapable dungeon on the dragon's back. The dragon flies off home. Sounds very familiar...
I know there's nothing new under the sun, but come on...
SpoilerThe elevator with the sour ooze was at least original.

Overall, much better than I expected it to be. I wouldn't have chosen to read this book on my own, but since one of my seventh graders read it for his book project and it didn't have an AR test, I had to read it to make a test. It was definitely a great fit for him. I would recommend this for your reluctant readers, male or female, who like video games, twitch streams, or adventure stories.