A review by iamjudgedredd
A Christmas Memory, One Christmas, & The Thanksgiving Visitor by Truman Capote


A very short (107 small pages) collection of three seasonal short stories. I read In Cold Blood a few years ago and loved it. Both literary, and yet tragicall real. As such when I saw this small volume in a second hand bookshop I was intrigued. I put it back on the shelf. When, three months later, I was at a different bookshop just after Thanksgiving I found another copy in a different second hand bookshop, I felt the universe telling me to read it.

I'm inclined to recommend that you read the stories back to front (the last last one is a Thanksgiving Story, and the first two Christmas ones).

Touching, intimate, and melancholic nostalgia is crammed into every word. I really liked it. Only takes a couple of hours to read at most. A great winter read.