A review by knuckledown
Crooked Little Heart by Anne Lamott


"But easy's like, who cares? Easy's like, how much is easy going to get you?" writes the wise Anne Lamott. It's quite fitting since she never lets her characters or her readers off easy. She drags us through the emotional muck. But you know what? That's life. I'm glad she doesn't gloss over the facts. The key word is compassion. She loves Elizabeth and Rosie and James even as they completely screw up. I believe Lamott even says in Bird By Bird that a writer must love her characters but still allow bad things to happen to them.

This is the sequel to Rosie, and I preferred it for some reason. Is it simply less frustrating to read about a now-sober alcoholic? Or has Lamott become a better writer? I do feel as though she is getting better at the novel format, despite my love for the early work of Joe Jones. It just feels as though the literary choices are being made more often on purpose. I like to know I'm in good hands.