A review by amberisalwaysreading86
Kissing Death by Alexandria Lee


I spent a good 90% of this book feeling angry, and suffering from author-induced whiplash. There are curveballs, and then there’s this book… which felt like it contained an entirely different couple from a separate series,instead of being a final book in a trilogy. I’m not exaggerating when I say the final 40% of the story made me miserable. I kept waiting for some relief, and it never arrived.

1- Why is Dominic seen mourning the evil bitch who trafficked/drugged/sold the supposed woman of his dreams? He is seen as feeling terrible and crying for killing the people who murdered his true love’s mother. I’m sorry, but this isn’t very on-brand for the amazing man Dom has been throughout the series.

2- The reunion between Dom and Kat was absolutely APPALLING!!! Zero longing. Zero romance. Zero comfort. I was shocked, and felt pissed I’d waited three books for that shit. Really?!?! Talk about anticlimactic !We are supposed to believe that after 6 weeks of agony and not knowing what’s become of Katerina, that’s how a man who is historically portrayed as sweet and intuitive would treat her when they are finally reunited? Then to compound every disappointing encounter between these two characters after her rescue,we the reader had to suffer silence and miscommunication issues for another 20% of the ending.

The way Kat mourns Blake, idealizes him and shuts Dominic out, refuses to marry him and NEVER ONCE says “Thank you” to him for scouring the earth for her, losing his job and livelihood for her to boot… the ending left me wishing she were the one who didn’t make it. Overall, this trilogy featured two great main male characters, a female character who needed therapy and to be left alone, and villains who were nothing but caricatures. It’s been a long while since an author spent 1500+ pages building my anticipation,to then drop me off a high rise with no parachute. Giant waste of my time and emotions.