A review by neilrcoulter
Early Christian Letters for Everyone by N.T. Wright


There aren't many people in the world whom I look up to and want to be more like (I wish there were more . . . ). N. T. Wright is one of those people. I've never met him, probably won't meet him in this life, but I consider him a guide and a friend. I am so grateful for his For Everyone commentary series through the whole New Testament. Our home Bible study group previously worked through Matthew's gospel, using Wright's book as our guide, and yesterday we finished our look at 1, 2, and 3 John, also following along with Wright. In these commentaries he is clear, helpful, encouraging, and informative. It's not heavy-duty scholarly writing; it's truly a "general audience appropriate" tone. I've been familiar with the Bible basically for my whole life, but yet I always learn something from reading Wright. I highly recommend any book in the For Everyone series to anyone who would like to understand the Bible more deeply.