A review by crookedtreehouse
Counter X Volume 1 by Warren Ellis


Warren Ellis is one of my favorite writers in comics. His Stormwatch and Planetary comics were some of the best turn-of-the-millenium superhero comics. His more recent work with Image is often incredible. But he's never been able to write an interesting X-book.

This brief run of X-Force is initially intriguing. He completely resets the tone of the book by introducing a character from his also dreadful Excalibur run, Pete Wisdom. I was absolutely intrigued to see what he was going to do with the book. Unfortunately, he didn't do much with it. It was darker. Both color pallete-wise, and theme wise. But it wasn't interesting. I found no reason to like or dislike a single character in the book. They all spoke the same, which was completely inconsistent with any previous iteration of the team, and I had trouble figuring out what Ellis was even trying to accomplish in the story.

It's not too long after this that Milligan takes over and re-re-re-reimagines X-Force, and manages to make it weirdly great. So I was disappointed in this whiff by Ellis. It is, at least, far better than the absolutely dreadful Edginton run that follows it.