A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
A Breach of Promise by Anne Perry


I am very happy to report that, were I somehow transported back in time to Victorian England, I would likely be a real superstar of a detective. In this case I actually did not have everything figured out ahead of time. But only because the hapless/genius Monk (and Rathbone too) did not ask the right questions of the right people.

It still would seem the author feels like she may not have convinced us to hate Monk yet, or at least not to hate him enough. Here is an example of one of the things he says to Hester for which I am not sure how she restrained herself from stabbing him:

"It has become a habit with you to tell people what to do for their welfare. It is extremely unattractive. You remind me of one of the more miserable types of governess. Nobody likes to be ordered around, even if the person doing it is correct."

All the same I think this was my favorite in the series so far. I may never be able to explain why I like it so much.