A review by dandelionfluff
Under the Persimmon Tree by Suzanne Fisher Staples


I have mixed feelings about this book. It gives a brutally honest view into the war in Afghanistan, showing how American bombs literally tore apart families and forced refugees to Pakistan. It describes how a blonde-haired, blue-eyed American woman can be a faithful Muslim happily accepted by her husband's family. At first, I was incredibly skeptical of her validity, but by the end, there's nothing to question. Western views of Islam are challenged, too. There's a lot of good here. There's even this wonderful moment where characters are saying "Come to America. You can have everything there, everything you ever need," and others say no, they belong in Afghanistan. America can't give them what they truly want.

But, the ending is so abrupt with no indication of any outcome be it positive or negative. Is there a sequel? It just… drops off. We know that everyone's decisions are very difficult, but come naturally. I just feel like there's something missing all around here.