A review by catbrigand
Antigoddess by Kendare Blake


I will echo the words of reviewers before me and say I can't believe this was written by the same author as Anna Dresses in Blood. I think the two big factors are that this book was clearly written to be a setup to a series, and the main protagonist, Cassandra, feels sort of wooden. The second is a product of the first. Cassandra experiences things far more often than doing them. The gods are complex, but seemingly poorly integrated into the modern world. They're not relatable, and despite spending half the book with them, it's still hard to connect with or sympathize with them. The biggest takeaway for me is that I can't believe nobody seemed to ask the obvious: why are the gods dying, and who's killing them? I may give the other books in the series a try when they're released, but I don't think I'll be rushing to the bookstore.