A review by ec_dee13
Black Elk's Vision: A Lakota Story by S.D. Nelson


This picture book combines beautiful artwork with historical photographs as it tells the life story of Black Elk, a member of the Lakota nation. It is told from Black Elk’s point of view, telling how the white men came into the Lakota land and forced them to live on reservations. It spends a lot of time talking about a vision Black Elk had as a child and how it shaped his life. Although told in a more “story-like” fashion, this book gives a lot of factual information and has many resources at the end for further learning. Personally, I think this book would be good for 4th/5th grade and up, as it is relatively dense, but still approachable. This book was on the 2011 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People list published by the National Council for the Social Studies.