A review by bookwormbunny
Alien Seduction: A Limited Edition Collection of Alien Romances by Margo Bond Collins


Dire Tidings

Dire Tidings is a Dead Space Universe Short Story by Leigh Kelsey. Her contribution to Alien Seduction, a limited edition Alien Romance Collection. Let me just say this...when the author says that this is a “fast-paced” paranormal romance story...imagine...speed of light fast. If you like the fast and hot, then you’re going to enjoy this short. If you, however, prefer some development and growth between the characters before they all fall into bed...you may want to pass on this one.
From the start you meet Donna. She’s on New Earth and is working a job, but...on the way out the door, things went left. Basically, she got caught and now it’s a race to get off New Earth before the people she’s stolen from catch her. Too bad her scheduled help isn’t supposed to show up for an hour. Then enter Di Vaur brother #1. I’ll let you find out what happens next.
This story is definitely fast-paced, but it might be a little too fast. I say that because while this story is classified as “paranormal romance” the romance angle is a bit of a reach. It’s less romance and more lust. Romance has more development than a couple to a few hours before jumping into bed and it’s only one of the brothers who even thinks about a relationship. Emphasis on thinks about. But if you like steamy, you get a healthy dose of it.
I’m rating this story 4 out of 5 stars. It doesn’t really fit my definition of romance. I like the pacing and the intense drama for sure. It’s an engaging story and I enjoyed reading it. I just felt the romance angle fell flat since it’s more lust than anything else.