A review by pandaaaaa14
Angel Dust by Sarah Mussi



Okay so my feelings on this are complicated because it was written in 2012 so I'm not expecting it to be great or anything. But then again, there have been books written like 70+ years ago that are still masterpieces in today's day and age, so really time/era is no excuse.
Overall, it was okay. Giving it 2.5 stars cause it got me out of my reading slump.
For me, the first 100-150 pages were okay, it was fast paced and kept me interested. Then around the 200 page mark, it started going downhill.

Warning: From here forth are spoilers!!

The Plot:
An angel who fell in love at first sight with a man, but that "love" is actually her desperately wanting to make out and fuck him.

The Side Plot:
Satan challenged god that he would corrupt god's brightest and best angel (Serafina) and make them fall from heaven, to leave god and rather spend an eternity with him (satan).

The Good:
The beginning few pages read like something taken out of Wattpad and honestly it was quite fun to read. For instance:

I was enjoying the way you ducked your head as you spoke. I was quivering at the deepness of your voice. I was glorying in the breadth of your shoulders and marvelling at how mold a man can be.

I laughed my soul out reading this.
The writing style wasn't that bad, so I might check out the authors future works to see if there's been an improvement or something.

The Bad:
The one part that riled me up was when Serafina was collecting souls on behalf of her other angel friend and one of the souls was a premature born baby. This is what Serafina said about the baby:

It was sad she wasn't bound straight for Heaven. The mother should really have had her baptised. It would have been so much more sensible than wringing her hands. Human love. Such complicated thing, so much emotion, so little sense.

Excuse me bitch what. Like I get the plot and premise is built up on The Bible, but I'm pretty sure no Christian would say a PREMATURE BABY was NOT BOUND FOR HEAVEN because they weren't baptised like that part was just so angering. 
Moving on, I was hoping we got a reason as to why Serafina "fell in love" with Marcus, like what the hell did she see in him?? Literally, the entire time the angel was acting like horny teenager begging for some D. Also, why the hell would you fall for a human being bound for hell?? Honestly, you've been an angel for like centuries, and you threw away your common sense and logic for temptation and desire??? 

Do I recommend reading it? Absolutely not. I only read it because I owned it, and I can't unhaul books without giving them a chance. But yeah I doubt anyone would want to buy this, so it's going to charity now.