A review by flogigyahoo
Savage Country by Robert Olmstead


Savage Country by Robert Olmstead will probably be the last book I finish reading in 2017 and what a treat it is. This is a fine, rip-roaring western adventure, but definitely not for the fainthearted. Elizabeth has just lost her husband and will probably soon lose the farm she and her husband built. To make money she requests Michael, her husband's brother, an animal hunter, to help her hunt down the wild buffalo that roam America's wild west so she can sell their pelts and parts. They set off with teams of oxen and crew to kill buffalo, and kill they do, tallying 150, 180, 200 kills a day. It is hard to read today of the bloody killing, butchering and decimation of thousands of animals to extinction, but Olmstead seems to know in minute detail of how life was lived in those times, what people ate, wore, read, thought and you read and think: Yes, it must have been just like that. This is a book filled with description, dialog, gore and love. I enjoyed every single line. Not for everyone, but a book that makes one think of how it was in earlier America.