A review by sumayyaha
Heist Society by Ally Carter


Rating - 2.5 (Read with Clean YA Book Club)

What I think you should go into this book with:

1. An open mind, this was kind of cheesy. . . like a 2012 movie :/
2. The heart to take the anticipation
3. A little knowledge of painters, or have a device near to search them up like I did xD

What I thought of the book:

I liked it. But mostly I liked Hale. (What can I say, he was the smoothest character.) Besides this, I really liked the whole heist operations, I just wish the author would've shared a teensy bit more info with the readers. Speaking of the author, the way she narrated the book made everyone seem quite pompous and full of themselves and I'm still not sure If I liked this or not? But if you don't like that kind of writing, I recommend you don't pick up this book because it will only anger you. Let's not purposefully anger ourselves, yes? And there were some scenes where I just couldn't place what the characters were talking about like they were sharing inside jokes that I didn't know about :(

There was one trope, stereotype(?) that I cringed at on every page it was mentioned. And that is the constant degrading of Kat's thoughts towards her cousin. What was up with that? It made me feel a bit iffy towards Kat. Her cousin acted like a 'girl' as in a typical 'girly-girl' and so she disliked/was annoyed because of it. Then Kat would say she didn't feel like a girl because she didn't wear 'girly' things or 'act' like one? HUH? Then the whole scene where she finally wore 'girl' clothes. . .

If you read it, I'm sure you know it was totally unnecessary. I feel like the fact that she 'wasn't like other girls' could've been expressed in another way, regardless of how annoying that statement is. Instead, the author chose to use it as a way to say she was 'different' and that she had no other place than in the family business. And this scene with her wearing feminine clothing made me disappointed in half of the characters, I was starting to like some of them. Yeah, so the fact that this was published in 2010 shows, be aware of that.

Moreover, I totally disliked the way Gabrielle (the cousin) was used in the operations. She literally had everyone from the age of puberty and up staring at her cause she wore a skirt? I feel like that was very tactless of the author. Like she couldn't figure out another way for the operation to proceed without mentioning legs and skirts. I really dislike this.

Will I continue with the series? Hm, remains to be seen.