A review by donnareadathon2021
The Fashion Orphans by Randy Susan Meyers


The story
Two estranged half sisters, Gabriella and Lulu, have just lost their mother Bette. Both have had their fair share of sad times recently and both are having financial difficulties. They are expecting that their inheritance from their mother will relieve their financial situation, but this isn’t the case. They are inheriting a small amount of money and their mother’s collection of vintage Chanel clothing. The will stipulates that they can’t just sell the items, their plans must be approved by their mother’s lawyer. The sisters need to reconcile and decide on the way forward together.

My thoughts
I really enjoyed the aspects of this story that dealt with the sister’s relationship, their relationship with their family and their mother’s friends and the setting in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Some aspects of the story feel like they are repeated and focused on way more than was necessary for me. It’s a lovely read - highly recommend!

I read an eARC copy courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher.