A review by liesl68
The Goat Children by Jordan Elizabeth


I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

The Goat Children is an interesting mix of a young girls struggle while caring for her grandmother with dementia and a touch of the paranormal. The chapters are beautifully balanced with the day to day experiences of caring for someone who has changed so drastically and memories that give insight and understanding into her devotion to her.

The addition of the paranormal element kept me curious as it was slipped into the story in tiny tastes. I will try to avoid spoilers here but want to say that as much as I wanted to know what was real and what was the ramblings of an old lady I wish I hadn't read the epilogue. Without it I would have been left wondering and that, as frustrating as it can sometimes be, would have been a brilliant way to end the journey. So the choice is yours...read the epilogue for closure or skip it and enjoy the lingering unknown. Either way this is a great read.