A review by karliclover
Green Lantern Corps, Volume 6: Blackest Night by Peter J. Tomasi


I absolutely love the team of Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason. They work so well together. Not only on Green Lantern Corps, but they're also killing it on Batman and Robin right now.

What I love about the Green Lantern Corps comic, even outside the Blackest Night event, is that it doesn't always focus on Guy, John, or Kyle; it'll have side-stories about Isamot Kol and Vath Sarn, or Iolande and Soranik Natu, or whoever. I really loved the ending part with Isamot and Vath.

As with the other BN tie-ins, this adds so much to Blackest Night and I think it's essential to read along with it. Here's a link to a list of the correct reading order. It should be noted that not all of the issues listed are collected in the BN books. Most are, but the Booster Gold, R.E.B.E.L.S., Solomon Grundy, Outsiders, Doom Patrol, Teen Titans, Suicide Squad, Superman/Batman, and Secret Six comics are not. Also, the prelude stuff isn't necessary, but it's some good stuff.

Also, one of the BN books is titled "Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps." The issues collected in this book aren't listed in that list I linked to, with the exception of Adventure Comics #4-5. This book should be the first of the BN books you read.