A review by mkm01
Lipstick Voodoo by Kristi Charish


*Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC*

Lipstick Voodoo is the second novel in the Kincaid Strange series by Kristi Charish. This novel is set a couple weeks after the events of her first book, The Voodoo Killings. This series follows Kincaid Strange, a voodoo practitioner and her roommate Nathan Cade, the ghost of a grunge-rock star.

I read The Voodoo Killings when it was released in 2016, but to be honest I didn’t remember anything about it. That being said, I knew that I had enjoyed it enough for me to be interested in reading the newest book in the series. Unfortunately, Charish gave very few reminders of what had taken place in the first book. I understand it is difficult- the author doesn’t want to give away to much from the book, but I was so confused trying to follow all the characters and the plot, especially because this novel took place immediately after the events and the main characters were still dealing with the fall out. I wish she would have just given some small reminders as to who various characters were and how they were related to Kincaid.

Though the story was entertaining enough, I found the plot to be confusing at times. Also, I found myself skimming over parts, which is unusual for me. Some of the conversations Kincaid had were very long-winded. I will likely still read the next installment, as my curiosity was peaked just enough in the final chapters, that I would like to know what happens next.