A review by a_reader_obsessed
Bittersweet by Sarina Bowen


4 M/F Stars

If you know me well, you know I don’t often delve back into the world of M/F easily or often. However, Sarina Bowen is the rare author that grabs me, and I was curious to see if her M/F stories could live up to her fabulous M/M ones. It sure doesn’t hurt that this is loosely tied to [b:Goodbye Paradise|34527470|Goodbye Paradise (Hello Goodbye, #1)|Sarina Bowen|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1489172725s/34527470.jpg|44640142].

Sooooo, in the realm of M/F, I’m giving this a solid 4 stars. The female character, who is often the reason why I no longer read these kinds of stories on the regular, was thankfully not annoying, not stupid, and didn’t play frustrating mind games. I so appreciate that - you just don’t know how much I do.

As usual, the male protagonist here is what contributes to most of the points. Griff is a grump, but he has totally valid reasons. He’s a yummy giant, albeit not as gentle as some, but still warm and gooey under that curmudgeon crust, and he’s held a torch for Audrey for many years. It’s serendipity that she shows up on his property trying to buy his farm-ery goods. When the opportunity to mix business with pleasure arises, neither is too hesitant to indulge. *wink wink *

While these two get it on, they also try to fulfill their everyday obligations and accomplish their future goals. Griff wants more financial stability despite an ever dicey and fickle market for what he produces. He’s under an extreme amount of pressure, and a wrong decision can result in devastating consequences. Audrey wants to prove her own self reliance and make it big so she can eventually have her own restaurant. She, however, has to climb her way to the top, working as a peon for a big food and restaurant conglomerate. They’ve tasked her to get organic foodstuffs at rock bottom prices, and Griff and his fellow community farmers are understandably a hard sell. Can they reconcile these possible conflicts of interest while trying to forge something more meaningful between them?? Of course they can.

Though M/F is no longer my go to, this did make me smile, it consistently made me snort in amusement, and the smex was hot if I do say so myself. Griff is a confident sexy beast of a lover, and he’s not shy with his moves or his words. I’m also thankful for the minimal relationship melodrama because that’s just not necessary to tell a good story - thank you Sarina!

To be honest, I’m scared to move on and ruin my afterglow as the next hints at much more serious matter. I think I’ll stew in the good vibes and leave well enough alone for now - I'll save the tough decisions for later!