A review by miznanner
Multiple Wounds by Alan Russell


I loved this book. It grabbed my interest from the start and I never got that "Oh come on, enough already" feeling I sometimes get with densely plotted mysteries. It won't be for everyone--- the plot requires some concentration when Holly's alters take front and center and the sections exploring Greek mythology did drag a touch but they are necessary. I am sure there are those who will take exception to the dissociative identity descriptions and treatment but...pfffftttt. It is fiction, it was quite the fun ride, I liked the characters ( even if Cheever does make some questionable decisions.), the plot was intriguing and I do not read mysteries/suspense with an eye towards my continuing education. My one criticism would be that there were two fairly critical plot points that I had easily untwisted by the time I was halfway through BUT that clearly did not keep me from enjoying this very different mystery. I hope Cheever cones back for more!