A review by theresidentbookworm
Black Widow #3 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee


An Open Letter to Marvel

Dear Marvel,

First off, big fan. Huge fan, in fact. I love your movies and your comic books and your t-shirts, but we have a serious problem. Black Widow does not have her own movie yet. Black Widow does not have her own movie yet, and we want one. We want one, and you kept expressing vague interest in it. It's like when your mom tells you about something while you're on your phone and you just go, "Cool. Great, Mom, I'll check it later." We all know later never comes. We know that trick, Marvel.

If you want to see what a Black Widow movie should look like, take a look at the new Black Widow series by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee. It's fun, exciting, and complex. Natasha is a fascinating character with a complex backstory, and these writers respect her. She's not used as a romantic interest or side character. Natasha Romanova is more than that. This issue especially explores her past in the Red Room and revisits some old memories for her. It's fantastic, and I just want a Black Widow movie, okay? I want a movie that explores her origin story: the Red Room and her relationship with the Winter Soldier, how she joined SHIELD, her partnership with Clint, her decision to wipe out the blood in her ledger... Use these comic books as your script. I'm totally okay with that.

Marvel, you know we want it. You know we'll buy tickets for it. Please do it. Again, big fan!

Best wishes,