A review by curiousreader
Spaniel Rage by Vanessa Davis


I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Vanessa Davis collects diary entries 2002-2003 in Spaniel Rage and it's a pleasure to follow along. She chronicles her everyday thoughts, events, feelings and struggles in this book. What I most liked about this was the art - I'm really specific with my art and there was just something about her art that really clicked with me, the round lines, the sketchy feeling, the effortless tone of it - which also really suited the storyteller in it. I loved that sometimes there would be unfinished drawings in it too, like a thought sparked and then forgotten; it gave the sensation of seeing someone's real sketchbook or diary, being invited into the non-edited version of someone's life. Often the diary entries are funny, sometimes they're relatable and very honest. It's enjoyable exactly for its quiet and humble approach.