A review by nicolet2018
Aquaman Vol. 3: Manta vs. Machine by Kelly Sue DeConnick


I wasn't sure about this run but I am now invested especially with pregnant queen Mera. How often do we see a super hero who is pregnant and yet being a leader for her people?

I liked how she is drawn with her pregnancy in the open. I can't imagine how tough it is to be a mother and yet carry a child.

It was sweet to finally see Arthur and her reunited.

I did like the story for this volume but the return of Black Manta, his motivations was old. The backstory with his father was interesting though.

The quest for revenge never ends with Black Manta and he is back to wreck havoc. Honestly, this gets tiring but oh well, we need a villain.

It's a girl!

Arthur and Mera's child is female and will be the next queen of Atlantis.