A review by hibashakes
Antigoddess by Kendare Blake


What an absolutely, wonderful book!

The book was such a creative idea, the reincarnation of the Trojan War. Sucvgh a unique and amazing execution made by the author.

All the characters were winderfully portrayed. I loved how each "thing" that was killing the gods was spot on.

I would've originally rated the book a 3 but the ending brought it up to a 4. My, oh, my, the ending made me want to pull my hair out, but I loved it. It was very shocking.

My critiques of the book is that its a very slow-paced book and the majority of the action happens in the last 122ish pages.
I also wished that we got more information on why this was happening to the Gods and what was Cassandra's definate power.

I'll be reading book #2 hoping to get all my answers answered! Thank you once again for a great book, Kendare Blake.