A review by dynamical
On Collective Memory by Maurice Halbwachs


Somebody please help.

Page 168: "Introspection is defined by psychologists through opposition to the perception of material objects. It seems that in the latter we go outside ourselves and become partially fused with exterior things, whereas in the case of introspection we withdraw into ourselves. But this distinction makes sense only if we think of an isolated individual. IN THIS CASE WHAT WE REFER TO AS EXTERIOR IS ALL THAT IS EXTERIOR TO THE INDIVIDUAL'S BODY AND, BY EXTENSION, HIS BODY ITSELF-EXTERIOR TO WHAT WE BELIEVE IS HIS MIND. WE CALL INTERIOR ALL THAT WHICH IS NOT EXTERIOR TO THE BODY, AND, BY EXTENSION, TO THE MIND, THAT IS TO SAY, THE CONTENTS OF THE MIND ITSELF, ESPECIALLY OUR MEMORIES."

I cannot make sense of this latter capitalized* passage. Isn't Hawlbachs conflating the body with the mind here? Isn't the body (be it one's own) already an exterior? The body is exterior to the mind, that is what I understand of mind-body dualism. Is he here saying the mind is not the same as the contents of the mind? I am confused.

* By me