A review by bear_reads_books
Out of the Ashes by Kara Thomas


So I'm browsing NetGalley when I see a title and cover that catches my eye. Then I see the author's name. Kara Thomas...the Kara Thomas? And she's written an adult novel?! To say I was thrilled is an understatement. Plus it was a read now title so I didn't have to request and hope, I could get my greedy paws on it now.. I obviously hyped this up for myself, Kara Thomas is one of my favorite YA authors. And I can honestly say she writes for adults just as well.

Now that I've established that I'm a fan of the author and had high expectations, let me tell you how I felt about Out of the Ashes. I thought it was well written, perfectly paced. Sam was a good protagonist, stopping at nothing to find out who really killed her family when she was a kid.

I will say it feels like there were a lot of characters in her sad hometown that I had to keep reminding myself who they were. Characters either related to her or just connected to her family but related to each other. So my brain struggled just a bit with that. But it did not take me out of the story, I blame my shoddy memory.

There are twists and turns galore, everyone Sam talks to is shady and has something to hide. You never know where it's going and kept on the edge of your seat. I was silently begging Sam to leave and continue having nothing to do with all these people. While also dying to know the truth as well. The reveal is shocking and the ending is quite satisfying.

I've kept my review vague in the hopes you'll go into it spoiler free and enjoy the ride knowing as little as possible. Out of the Ashes met my expectations and is a solid five star mystery novel. I do hope Kara Thomas continues to write for adults (while still writing YA of course!)

Thank you Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this e-ARC.

Review can also be found at A Good Mystery