A review by posies23
Alias the Cat! by Kim Deitch


I am, admittedly, very eccentric in my reading choices. I'm a big fan of comic books, mystery novels, fantasy lit, horror, thrillers, rock and roll biographies, film studies, contemporary theater, and the list goes on. Armed with this knowledge, it's remarkable just how many of my tastes this book appealed to.

ALIAS THE CAT, written and beautifully drawn by Kim Deitch, is a genre-bending journey that covers, among other things, comic strips, serials, terrorism, dolls, midgets, insanity, demons, and the wonders of ebay. Needless to say, it's difficult to pigeon-hole. In fact, I'm not even going to try. If this sounds even REMOTELY like something you'd enjoy, you need to pick it up.

I absolutely loved it.