A review by pepperandpages
Unwelcome Bodies by Jennifer Pelland


*Spoiler Free*

After reading Glitter and Mayhem and reading Jennifer Pelland’s short story, “Star Dancer”, I was eager to read more by this author. Her collection, Unwelcome Bodies did not disappoint. I had sat down with the intention of reading one a day until I finished it, but I honestly couldn’t stop once I started. This is an amazing, enthralling collection of short stories. I have love fantasy and science fiction so much more for putting ideas like these into the head of such a fantastic writer.

This collection features eleven brilliant short stories. There are no words to do this collection justice (you really do just have to go buy it and read it), but I will try:

“For the Plague Thereof Was Exceeding Great”- This story is about a version of Earth in the future plagued by a new strain of HIV that is wiping out the planet and the struggle between those who wish to outlast it and those who wish to be ‘saved.’ Also, I have to really thank the author for including the news clippings at the end of this. They were wonderful to read.

“Big Sister/Little Sister”- I will be haunted for the rest of my life by this story, much like I am by Ray Bradbury’s “Small Assassin.” I don’t know why this made me think of that, but it does. It is amazing, but incredibly creepy and disturbing. I loved it.

“Immortal Sin” -Another wonderfully disturbing story about a man who commits murder but tries to escape judgment day by scientifically experimenting on himself to achieve immortality.

“Flood”- I can’t get over how beautiful this story was. An Earth in which water is scarce and fading, and the pop singer who laments over the lack of water and oceans.

“The Call”- A very short story written in all question format. Short, but effective and brilliant.

“Captive Girl”- This story was bittersweet to me. I’m not going to say much on this other than it really is a love story, albeit a strange one. Love is so much more than a pretty face; it is how that person makes you feel that is important.

“Last Bus”- A very sweet story about the journey after death.

“The Last Stand of the Elephant Man”- This might have been one of my favorite in the collection, though if really pushed to pinpoint my favorite I imagine I’d say they all were. This is the story of the Elephant Man, Joseph Merrick, yet transposed onto a future timeline in which Earth finds ‘normal’ people weird and the odd and strange fantastic. This story will linger on your mind long after you have finished it.

“Songs of Lament”- I loved this story also. It’s about a world in which whales are also an intelligent race and can finally be understood.

“Firebird”- Written in a journal-style format about a college freshman and her obsession with a pop star who lit herself on fire to send a message about global warming and ultimately ends up being her roommate. Really fantastic story.

“Brushstrokes”- I honestly wish this had been a full-length novel because I would have devoured the entire thing. This world is so incredible and also believable as strange as it is. It is one of the longest stories in the collections, but it is also a perfect final story of this collection.

This is one of the best collections of short fiction I have ever read.