A review by lanica
The Beet Fields: Memories of a Sixteenth Summer by Gary Paulsen


By having the name "Gary Paulsen" on the cover, most librarians/readers would assume that this book is another great read for boys. [b:Hatchet|50|Hatchet (Hatchet, #1)|Gary Paulsen|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1156871821s/50.jpg|1158125] is one of my go-to books for middle school boys, and if they like that - well there are a ton more where that came from. I say, "Here are the Gary Paulsen books if you want to read more by him." and let them browse.

This book is not meant for middle school boys.
* First off, it's a slow story. There are moments of 'adventure' but for the most part...it's about working at tedious jobs.
* Second, it's not a beginning-middle-end sort of book. As it says on the cove, it's the story of one summer in a boys life. It follows a time line, but there are a lot of questions left unanswered on either end of the summer.
* Third, it's an honest look at life from inside the head of a sixteen year old. Sex. Hints of sex, thoughts of sex, then actual acts of sex. It's very well written, but I wouldn't feel comfortable handing to anyone in middle school.

I would recommend this book to most high school boys.
The writing, and the setting, reminds me of Steinbeck. I love that he takes his time in telling this story. It's not about 'jazzing it up' to keep the kids entertained. It's about telling a tale in a way that kids can relate to and perhaps learn from. It's a great look at the time period and how life was 'back then' without beating it into their heads that they are learning something.

There are two things about this book that are a bit disturbing. First, the reason he runs away from home is because his mother - when too drunk to know what she's doing - tries to have sex with him. This is hinted at, not mentioned in much detail, but the thought is disturbing.
Second, at the end of the book the boy loses his virginity to a carnival stripper. The strip tease is described in a bit of detail, the sex is pretty tame compared to most, but it's there and teachers should be aware of it before recommending it to any of their students.