A review by ilanderz
Against All Things Ending by Stephen R. Donaldson


A gloomy masterpiece, though it took me a few pages to come to that conclusion.

I have always been impressed by Donaldson's craft. Few bring to life such vivid protagonists as Donaldson. Few invoke such a sense of reality. This book didn't disappoint.

Near the beginning I was slightly put off by what I perceived as a staggering display of writerly self-indulgence -- a minute-by-minute play-by-play of characters thoughts and emotions.

But once I figured out what this book was actually about -- for me, at least -- an intense, unflinching look at despair (which shouldn't have come as a surprise, considering it's been a running theme throughout the entire series) I was hooked.

As others have said, not for everyone. But definitely for me.